Mr Andrew Munro BSc CEng MICE MCIHT
I have 40 years experience in highways design and construction, and I am an expert in the field of highway engineering and design. My expert services cover all aspects of highway and civil engineering projects, from car park construction to motorway design. This includes reporting on technical details, working practices, statutory requirements, and industry good practice.
I can provide expert analysis of:
- If highway design or construction fails to comply with standards and regulations
- If necessary procedures were not followed
- If the correct project path was not taken following assessments
- If highway design or construction is inherently flawed
- If the proper materials were not used, or used incorrectly
- If contractual obligations have not been met.
The way I work is to provide an initial opinion for you to consider if there is a case or not, without incurring full costs. I then provide a thorough report if necessary that provides my opinion on the technical aspect of the matter in detail. I am fully familiar with the obligations on Experts placed by the Civil Procedure Rules. I prefer being honest up front about the technical merits of the argument, considering that in the longer term this is better for you, and me, if the case goes to court.
Legal Experience
East Sussex County Council v Robins of Herstmonceux – I was appointed as single joint expert and provided an expert report relating to the alleged failure of a minor road while being trafficked by HGV.
Welcomes Road Residents Association v Arnold Tarmac 2015 – The matter involved the failure of surface dressing applied to a private road that failed shortly after laying. I provided an expert report determining that the dressing had been applied at the wrong time of year and that the relevant standards not followed. The Residents Association accepted an out of court settlement in their favour.
Cambridgeshire County Council v BAM Nutall in the Construction and Technology Court. I was involved as a Witness of Fact, rather than an Expert as I had been personally involved in the matters of contention. Besides having first-hand knowledge of the matters in dispute, I participated in 3 out of the 4 adjudications and assisted Counsel (Keating Chambers) and the Solicitors (BDB law) for Cambridgeshire County Council with responding to the Defence and Counter Claim. This involved briefing Counsel on the technical aspects of the dispute. I also prepared a substantial witness statement relating to those matters of which I had personal knowledge.
Expert witness in an Arbitration (XXXX v Anti-Waste Ltd 2006). I provided expert opinion on the construction of a concrete road, and gave evidence in the Arbitrator’s Court.
A47 Thorney Bypass (2003). I was the principal engineering design witness for the Highways Agency at the Public Inquiry.
My CV can be viewed here .
To find out more about my expert services please get in touch now.